Nicolae Mola
R&D Software Engineer
Nicolae Mola is an R&D software engineer with expertise in containerized areas on the Wireless team at Keysight Technologies. Mola's team uses a 5G tool for measuring different use cases on a real-life network.

Articles by Nicolae Mola


Technical resources

Keysight Telco Partner Experience: Red Hat Certification for Open RAN SIM CE

The post highlights the benefits of Preflight certification, emphasizes security enhancements, and starts the discussion about cloud-native function (CNF) certification and CNF workloads at Keysight

Technical resources

Keysight Telco Partner Experience: Addressing CNF Certification for Open RAN SIM CE

This post continues the journey of Keysight Technologies to achieve Red Hat OpenShift CNF Certification for Keysight Open RAN SIM CE, describing the changes and improvements made in the product to adapt to the certification requirements, as well as the workflow followed in collaboration with Red Hat’s Telco Partner CI team using Distributed-CI. Final certification results and conclusions are also shared.